Savannah-based Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced last week that the Gulfstream G280, its new super mid-size business jet, has earned certification from the civil aviation authorities in both China and Canada.
The certificate validations officially recognize that the G280 is compliant with airworthiness and environmental requirements in each country. Securing a validation is one of the last steps required for an aircraft to be registered in a particular country.
Scott Neal, Gulfstream’s senior vice president for sales and marketing, said the G280’s range, technology, fuel efficiency and comfort make it a popular aircraft in China and Canada.
“Receiving certification approval for the aircraft in both countries will make it an even more appealing choice for customers in those regions,” Neal said.
In addition to China and Canada, the G280 has been certified in the United States, Israel and the European Union.
The aircraft entered service in November of last year. With a range of 3,600 nautical miles at Mach 0.80, the jet can connect Shanghai and Singapore, Beijing and Mumbai, Montreal and London, and Calgary and Miami.
Already the G280 has established 22 city-to-city speed records, including one from Honolulu to Savannah in 8 hours and 19 minutes.
The new aircraft is also environmentally efficient, burning less fuel and producing fewer emissions than other super mid-sized aircraft. It is quiet, with certified
noise levels 15.8 decibels below Federal Aviation Administration requirements.
The G280 can provide seating for up to 10 in two living areas. Passengers have in-flight access to the baggage compartment, and the Gulfstream Cabin Management System enables them to control the cabin environment and entertainment equipment with a handheld device such as an iPod Touch.
The 2013 list price is $24 million.
Unlike the larger Gulfstream aircraft – the G450, G550, and G650 are built in Savannah – the G280 is manufactured by Gulfstream in Israel through a partnership with Israel Aerospace Industries in Tel Aviv.
Submitted by Mary Carr Mayle on Tue
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