The company is located in the Ulyanovsk region, expect to learn the service of Western engines CFM-56 and SS-90 Russian United Engine Corporation (UEC), a member of the state corporation "Rostec", will take part in the realization of the investment for maintenance and repair of aircraft engines in the special economic zone "Ulyanovsk", the report says APC.
At MAKS-2015 in Zhukovsky near Moscow signed an agreement of intent to implement the investment project "Enterprise for maintenance and repair of aircraft engines in the port special economic zone in Ulyanovsk region" between the JSC "United Engine Building Corporation", the Government of the Ulyanovsk region of "Poetry" Ulyanovsk "and the company" AAF Rus ".
The Agreement provides that the economic territory of the port "Ulyanovsk" will be organized by a specialized center for repair of aircraft engines, which in future will be part of a modern complex to provide maintenance and repair of aircraft, both Russian and foreign production. According to the business plan, the new enterprise will be the first base in Russia, capable of simultaneously taken for the maintenance and repair of three wide-body aircraft.
The center plans to develop aircraft engine repair service western engines CFM-56 and SS-90 Russian. CFM-56 engines installed on Boeing and Airbus, the SS-90 - IL-76 and IL-96.
"The organization of aftermarket engines - an important part of the business of our corporation, which is in its development aimed at complete customer satisfaction by providing quality service anywhere in the world - said General Director of" UEC "Alexander Artyuhov. - Taking part in the construction of the enterprise carrying out maintenance and repair of aircraft engines, which is being implemented under a public-private partnership, we are willing to share their knowledge for effective working MRO center. "
According to General Director of "Poetry" Ulyanovsk "Denis Baryshnikov, the project fits perfectly into the concept of" supermarket of maintenance and repair, "which promotes the management company of poetry." Overhauling the engine is the most important, technologically advanced and expensive type of maintenance of aircraft. Therefore, the presence of this competence on the territory of PSEZ will determine the attractiveness of the site for the creation of MRO centers and all the companies that will be built in cooperation with the anchor project. To repair the components of Russian engines will use the resources within the UEC repair facilities, so we can talk about the creation of co-operation in this field ", - he said.
The signing of the quadripartite agreement was held with the participation of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov, General Director of the JDC Artyuhova Alexander, General Director of "Poetry" Ulyanovsk "Denis Baryshnikov and Director General of OOO" AAF Rus "Mukharbek Aushev.
The project plans to invest about 3 billion rubles., The final cost and timing of the project are determined by year's end. The Joint Working Group JDC and "AAP Rus" prepare a business plan and plans until November to apply for the status of a resident of a special economic zone.
JSC "United Engine Building Corporation" - integrated structure, specialized in the development, serial production and maintenance of engines for military and civil aviation, space programs and the Navy, as well as the oil and gas industry and energy. One of the priorities of the APC is to implement programs of development of the industry with the introduction of new technologies that meet international standards. Proceeds of the holding in 2014 amounted to 199.9 billion rubles.
State Corporation "Rostec" - Russian corporation, established in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It comprises more than 700 organizations, of which now formed nine holding companies in the military-industrial complex and five - in the civilian industries, as well as 22 direct control of the organization. The portfolio "Rostec" includes such famous brands as "AvtoVAZ" KamAZ "Helicopters of Russia", "VSMPO-Avisma", etc. Organization "Rostec" located on the territory of 60 subjects of the Russian Federation and supply products to the markets of over 70 countries. Rostec revenues in 2013 amounted to 1.04 trillion rubles. Tax payments to budgets of all levels exceeded 138 billion rubles.