BAe 146-200 has the reg ZS-PUL and is available sale, and any type of lease/BAe 146-200 and Avro RJ85 features a 2.41 m (7 ft 11 in) fuselage extension and reduced cost per seat mile. The -200 first flew in August 1982 and entered service six months later. The RJ85, the first RJ development of the BAe 146 family, features an improved cabin and the more efficient LF 507 engines. Deliveries of the RJ85 began in April 1993. The RJ85 seats up to 112 passengers. The BAe 146 is powered by four Avco Lycoming ALF 502 turbofan engines, which are fixed on pylons underneath the aircraft's high wing. The ALF 502 was derived from the Lycoming T55 turboshaft power plant that powers the Chinook heavy transport helicopter. Notably, the ALF 502 had a very low level of operational noise, much lower than most other competing aircraft. This was achieved partly by the engine's high bypass ratio along with additional sound damping layers built into the engine.
Build no: E2064
Passenger address: Collins 346D-2B
Current operator: Fair Aviation
Build year: 1986
Aircraft type: BAe146-200
Registration: ZS-PUL
Auto pilot: Smiths 740SUE
Airframe cycles: 43634(as on last flight folio received 04 Jan 2014)
Airframe hours: 46078.7(as on last flight folio received 04 Jan 2014)
Max takeoff weight: 42184.09 Kg 93000 Lb
Max landing weight: 37,648 Kg 83,000 Lb
Max zero fuel weight: 35,606 Kg 78,500 Lb
Max fuel capacity: 11,731 Liters 3,099 USg
Typical speed: M0.70
Max cruise altitude: 31,000
Audio: GEC Avionics AA 15504
VHF comms: Dual collins 618M-5
HF: Not fitted
DME: Dual Collins DME 860E-5
VHF nav: Dual Collins 51RV-5
ADF: Dual Collins 51Y-7
RADALT: Collins 860F-4
EGPWS: Honeywell Mk7 EGPWS
ILS landing category: CAT2
Nav management: Single GNS-XLS
TCAS: Allied Signal TPA-81A
Weather radar: Honeywell PRIMUS 90-WXD
Cockpit voice recorder: Fairchild A100
Flight data recorder: PLESSEY 650
ACARS: Not fitted