A maximum range of 3,115 nautical miles (equal to 3,582 miles) makes this aircraft most appropriate for very long domestic flights, or short international flights. The service ceiling (max cruise altitude) of 41,000 feet is just slightly higher than the norm for this type of aircraft. This Boeing aircraft normally cruises at a speed of 472 knots, equivalent to 543 mph. If time is of the essence, it can safely fly as fast as Mach 0.82. The LRC (long-range cruise) speed at which this aircraft attains its maximum range is 472 knots (543 mph), 5.4% faster than similar models.
Flight performance
Cruising speed (km / h): 852
Operational ceiling (m): 12500
Required runway length (m) 2040
Engines CFM International CFM56-7B24
(2 x 10890 kg) or CFM56-7B26 (2 x 11930 kg)
Wingspan (m): 34.32
Aircraft length (m): 39.47
Overall height (m) 12.55
Wing area (m2): 124.60
The angle of wing sweep: 25.00
Number of seats
Crew: Passengers in the cabin of two classes: 162
Maximum: 189
Take-off (m): 78.24
An unladen (m): 41.46
Aircraft without fuel (m): 61.68
Landing (m): 65.30