A couple of decades ago, humanity has come to realize that it is time to turn off the race speeds, it is time to save and develop a rational airplanes, which is characterized by simplicity of piloting, pilots and passengers the comfort and low fuel consumption. After that few designers dared to build aircraft capable to fly faster than sound from point "A" to point "B". And why the hurry? Solve complex issues or conduct urgent business negotiations can be through the online conference, and send important documents by express mail or electronic communication. People no longer need to rush somewhere - most of the problems solved in the "here and now". In this light, it is not surprising that large Aircraft Corporation for a long time do not lead development of passenger supersonic aircraft - it is expensive and unnecessary. But on the other hand, from what you refuse to major players in the market, attracted by the small companies. After all, if high-speed business jets are not in demand today, it does not mean that they will remain worthless tomorrow. It is this principle adhere to aircraft designers of the company Aerion Corporation, that the last few years have been developing aircraft Aerion AS2 SBJ - supersonic airliner business. The main difference Aerion AS2 SBJ from other business jets, as well, and all the representatives of the civil aviation in general, are diamond-shaped wings of the original design.
The shape of the wings Aerion AS2 SBJ resemble American fighter 60 years of the last century, F-104, which pilots themselves were sometimes called "flying coffin" for unpredictable behavior during various maneuvers and the real possibility of losing control and break. Wingspan Aerion AS2 SBJ is 19.8 meters with a length of 44.15 meters housing - indeed, the form is not quite proportional. But the developers claim that aerodynamics would be quite different from the F-104, since the creation of the wings will be used the most advanced technologies. Furthermore, it is a diamond-shaped profile of the wing aircraft allow to rely on the so-called natural laminar flow at supersonic speeds. These statements developers substantiate the data obtained during the test model in the wind tunnel NASA. The main advantage of Aerion AS2 SBJ over competitors is not only a high speed flight, but as this is not surprising, low noise. The roar of jet engines is not in vogue, so designers were puzzled at how to make the flight for over the sound of the most quiet. But in solving this problem they could not come up with something new - indeed, how you can reduce the explosive roar that occurs when an aircraft breaks the sound barrier? Answer by modern physics does not know. Therefore, noise Aerion AS2 SBJ will be primarily due to reduced flight at subsonic speeds over populated areas. Over unpopulated stretches of land and over the sea super-business jet can accelerate to Mach 1.6 Thanks so serious speed characteristics Aerion AS2 SBJ can get from New York to Tokyo with refueling in Anchorage just 9 and a half hours, while the normal business -dzhetu with turbofan engines, in order to overcome this way will require more than 15 hours, so that there is time saving. Another important advantage of Aerion AS2 SBJ is that it does not require a long runway and the point home in a major airport - to run and run this plane is more than enough distance of 2000 meters. "Concord" for such could only dream of! But have such a result, engineers with a simple solution - they set the flaps along the entire length of the wing. There is one more important thing, why Superjet and failed to displace conventional liners with turbofan engines with air lines - is the cost of the flight of supersonic passenger aircraft. It's no secret that the cost of tickets for the same Concord several times larger than the price of a passenger seat in a conventional airliner. Those who disagreed significantly overpay for a few hours seknomlennyh in flight, it was not so much. It is against this background that there was a project of a supersonic business jet Aerion, whose creators claim that the flight on their offspring will not be expensive, and even slightly cheaper than conventional subsonic jet airplanes of medium size. Cost Aerion AS2 SBJ will be about $ 80 million.
The company's engineers claim that their model air resistance at supersonic flight speeds, despite the use of a diamond-shaped wing, will be 20% lower than that of aircraft equipped with delta wings of similar size. Also added to the well-known here turbojet engines of Pratt & Whitney, which is considered one of the industry leaders. All this has allowed Aerion Corporation to talk about the development of rapid, but quite economical aircraft worth an estimated $ 80 million. Dollars. However, before the start of series production and sales price trends may grow significantly. The specialists of the company evaluate the modern market of supersonic business jets at about 300-400 aircraft per year.
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