Ukraine announced plans to cut military-technical cooperation with Russia. A big role in this play Zaporozhye company "Motor Sich", specializing in the production of aircraft engines. And more than 70% of the income received through cooperation with Russia.
The greater part of other income "Motor-Sich" consists of the supply of engines and spare parts for airplanes and helicopters of Soviet or Russian production, used in other countries.
At the moment, "Motor-Sich" delivers power plants for holding "Helicopters of Russia". The agreement is for five years, and its cost is $ 1.2 billion.
The holding "Helicopters of Russia" was told that the Ukrainian company "Motor Sich" is not the only partner of the Russian company. So, today many models of Russian helicopters are equipped with engines produced in Russia, in particular, gathered at the St. Petersburg company "Klimov". For example, attack helicopters Mi-28N and Ka-52 are equipped only with Russian VK-2500 engines. Ukrainian same power plants are mainly used in helicopters for the civilian market.
Ukraine also produced engines for passenger aircraft An-140 and An-148, the purchase of which is carried out including the Russian forces. Furthermore, Zaporozhye motors and parts needed to repair the fleet of An-72, An-74 and An-124 "Ruslan". According to the deputy director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makienko, cease the supply of military and dual-use of Ukraine "lead to serious problems." In particular, it may cause slowing the production of certain types of equipment for the period necessary for the development of release required components and assemblies in Russia.
However, according to another source in the military-industrial complex of Russia, the cessation of military-technical cooperation with Moscow, Kiev and even negatively affect production, disastrous consequences will not have. The fact that in Russia for several years a program of import substitution in the most important technological fields. Thus, in "Russian Helicopters" noted that in the future the vast majority of Russian helicopters will be equipped with Russian engines.
As for the aircraft, it is unlikely Kiev solved their hands to strangle the only functioning today Ukrainian aircraft building program ? manufacture passenger aircraft An-148. An alternative to the same-140 and its cargo modifications for the Russian Armed Forces should be domestic program light military transport aircraft IL-112. Its development in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry resumed in mid-2013. Flight testing is scheduled to begin in 2015.
You may have to seek alternative transport workers and Russian type An-72/74. In the case of AN-124 a replacement yet, but is currently considering options for the resumption of production of aircraft of this type in Russia. However, the Defense Ministry does not yet have a more or less distinct plan for the application of transport AN-124, so the options for the resumption of production of these aircraft are considered from the point of view of civil air operations.
For the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, whose engine building and aircraft largely depends on cooperation with Russia, the cessation of military-technical cooperation will mean the beginning of a serious crisis.
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