Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, the business jet manufacturer, is expanding its operations in western Massachusetts. The company says the growth will produce 100 highly skilled, highly paid aviation jobs. WAMC's Pioneer Valley Bureau Chief Paul Tuthill reports.
Gulfstream will more than double the size of its business jet service center in Westfield Massachusetts. Mark Burns, the aviation company's president for product support, says the expansion will add 100 jobs to the current 130 member workforce in Westfield.
Gulfstream will spend 23 million dollars to build a new 100 thousand square foot maintenance hanger next to its existing 85 thousand square foot hanger at the Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport. The expansion project, which is expected to break ground in April will create 200 construction jobs.
Burns said Gulfstream's business is growing. The second quarter saw the largest number of orders for new aircraft since the recession. He said flying hours have increased and that has resulted in record setting service demand.
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who was present for Gulfstream's announcement Friday, said the project is being helped with a three million dollar grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to pay for roadway improvements along the airport's perimeter and to build a new parking apron.
The project is receiving a 1 pont 4 million dollar tax credit from the state and a 15 year 4 point 2 million dollar local property tax break.
The aviation industry is a relatively small, but robust part of the Massachusetts economy, according to State Representative Don Humason of Westfield, who chairs the state legislature's Aviation Caucus. He says a soon to be released report estimates there are 10 thousand aviation related jobs in Massachusetts..
According to the Massachusetts Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study, civilian airport operations generate 69 million dollars in total economic output for the region.
2011, WAMC