Company Discovery Aviation (Sausalito, CA, USA) redeemed at Liberty Aerospace Inc. the right to produce a single-engine two-seater Liberty XL-2. The company intends to resume full-scale production of the aircraft certified to fly by IFR. Liberty XL-2 will move the market training machines. As reported in the transaction management team Project Liberty Aerospace XL-2 is also passed to the new owner. Currently, Discovery Aviation busy looking for a place where it will be assembled Liberty XL-2, and is preparing to receive orders for the model. First deliveries of the aircraft is scheduled to perform for about six months. Offered Liberty XL-2 is an average of $ 240,000. Although, the price will depend on the options. As noted in the Discovery Aviation, most flight schools today are choosing aircraft equipped with "glass" cabin systems and ADS-B. That such equipment will have this machine. Based on available information, it will receive the latest avionics Garmin. As the power plant will be used by one of the motors with the Continental system FADEC (previously it was - IOF-240-B). The company intends to benefit from the advantages provided by the possibility of producing two aircraft certified under one production certificate. As you know, Discovery Aviation (founded in 2011) is implementing a program of production of light-metal twin-engine vysokoplana Discovery 201 with Russian roots ("Accord" 201 developed by the Russian NGO Avia Ltd (Moscow) in the mid-90s). This model completes certification testing FAA. To obtain a certificate type happened to pass only dynamic testing access. Receiving orders will begin this summer, and supplies - to the end of the year. The seven-seater airplane with a maximum takeoff weight of 4,850 pounds, equipped with 210-horsepower Continental IO-360, will have a cruising speed 113 knots. Discovery 201 will cost from 900 thousand to 1 million dollars. Besides, the company plans to develop a heavier version - Discovery 205.
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