According to the analytical report submitted by the consulting agency Brian Foley, 2016 would be more promising for manufacturers of small business jets, while demand for super-medium and large private jets will inevitably decline. "Until recently, sales of large business jets from companies Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer, Gulfstream and Boeing even went on the rise, - says the founder of the agency, Brian Foley. - But today we are on the threshold of a new trend. This year we are seeing a fall in demand in this market segment, while the situation with light turboprop and jet aircraft is completely different. " It called a number of reasons of the changes. Markets in China, Asia, South America is currently in a state of recession. Large global companies engaged in the energy sector, suffered a t fall in oil prices. The dollar showed enhancement in comparison with other currencies of the world. As a result, manufacturers of large business jets had to cut back their expectations and faced with a situation of mass cancellations.
Meanwhile, in the segment of light business jets if breathed new life that is primarily associated with the normalization of the economic situation in the United States, which represent the largest market in the world of private aviation.