American, Honeywell first time since 2009 reduced its own assessment regarding future sales of business jets, writes Bloomberg. According to the forecast market size business jet in the 2015-2025 biennium. Sun will make 9200 a total value of 270 billion USD., which is 2.6 and 3.6% less than last year. Then these indicators are calculated on 2014-2024 gg. Amounted to 9,450 aircraft and 280 billion dollars. The reasons for the deterioration of the forecast mentioned economic slowdown and worsening of the political situation in some countries, as well as a selection of some operators to upgrade and refine their existing aircraft. While in 2015 the number of received business jets should increase compared with the forecast of the index in 2014, in 2016 this number should, on the contrary, decreased. In general, the market growth rate of business jets through 2025 inclusive projected at 3% per year. The drafters of the report noted an increase in demand in Russia and the Whale. However, according to them, this improvement is not enough to improve the outlook for the whole block BRIC (Russia, China, Brazil, India). By regions the drop in demand is predicted in Europe (14% of all deliveries in 2015-2025.). In Asia and the Pacific (3%), as well as the Middle East and Africa (3%), it will remain unchanged, while in the North (61%) and Latin America (18%) is expected to grow.
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