All the necessary documents for the purchase of more than 100 aircraft will be signed between Airbus and Iran Air by the end of the month - said Ahmad Akhund, who served as minister of transport system of Iran. The signing of the relevant agreement will take place during the president Hassan Rouhani country will arrive on a business trip in France. According to preliminary data of the French supply of aircraft in the territory of Iran will take place in June this year."We need 400 aircraft to fly long and medium-haul and 100 short-haul aircraft," - said Akhundov.In this context it is also worth recalling that on 12 January this year, the countries of the IAEA had received the final report of the expert agency on the Iranian nuclear program. It was preceded by a top official of the above programs. In this document, it states the fact from Iran fulfilled all obligations relating to the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. It has allowed the EU and the United States completely withdraw from Iran's financial and economic sanctions.
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