Sukhoi Business Jet - this is the first business jet not only in Russia but also in Soviet history, which is scheduled for mass production. In the Soviet Union on government aircraft often involved military vehicles. For Nikita Khrushchev was created by Tu-116, which actually was converted TU-95 - is with him in 1961 was dropped "gruel" (the world's first thermonuclear bomb test, which was conducted October 30, 1961). Soviet designers believed that the strategic bomber Tu-95 - this is the most suitable aircraft for the leader of a nuclear superpower. "Diplomatic" brutal version of the Tu-95 was supposed to personify the prestige and power of the state and still be comfortable. When retrofitting a Tu-95 removed all bomber and defensive weapons, and the freed space was taken four salons, one of which was the kitchen. An example of a Tu-116 suggests that the nature of the times the face of an entire industry. The domestic market of business aviation in the country is large enough - according to various estimates, between 400 and 550 business jets. 90% of them - foreign production.
In a sense, "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" went the right way, and beaten, deciding the best use of the platform Sukhoi Superjet 100. It was on the basis of the first and only of Russia's new main production aircraft and created Sukhoi Business Jet.
For any of the global business jet aircraft manufacturer - is an optional product. This follows from the very terms: in the world of business jet - a long-haul aircraft, converted to the needs of business aviation. In other words, production aircraft installed additional fuel tanks to increase the range of non-stop flight and is different from the main version of the luxurious interior. This adds to the cost of the aircraft $ 10-30 million, compared with the base trunk.
Almost all of the world's largest manufacturers of commercial aircraft offer customers particularly important luxury business versions of their cars. This Boeing, Airbus and Embraer. An exception is a Canadian aircraft builder Bombardier Aerospace, which does not release liners business, but creates business jets - small aircraft, specially designed and mass-produced for the needs of the huge market of business aviation.
Development of business aircraft, as opposed to business jets, special does not require the huge costs, as these planes are not "zero", and on the basis of already issued the main machine.
However, despite the relatively low cost of aircraft manufacturer for the business-liner, this category of business aircraft is one of the most expensive in the world market. Prices Business liners start at $ 43 million - as a minimum configuration with salon Elegance is Lineage 1000 Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer. The minimum cost of a business airliner Airbus Corporate Jet, manufactured based on the popular Airbus A320, - $ 83 million from the cabin and $ 51 million without him. The maximum value is difficult to call. For example, a business jet A340 1992 issue worth $ 125 million - these data leads the world's largest online resource for the sale of business aircraft JetNet.
According to statements by "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft", the value of the Russian business will be competitive liner. "Price SBJ lower by about $ 10 million compared to the Lineage 1000", - told the press service of the company. However, when you consider that the cost of Lineage 1000 starts at $ 43 million, and the main base Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in 2012 was worth $ 35.4 million, it turns out that the VIP-version of Russian plane is no different from the usual backbone. That is a cheap little blue chair and questionable segment VIP comfort - if you believe it is called value.
For the money, which is a business jet, the owner gets the first great space to navigate the aircraft did not crouch and roomy interior - all this is perfect for corporate travel. However, such machines flying near (compared with long-haul business jets): Brazilian Lineage 1000 - 7 ths. Km, Airbus Corporate Jet - 6.9 thous. Km, and the Russian SBJ - yet only 4 thousand. Km.
For comparison, the most luxurious business jet Gulfstream G650 in the base costs $ 65 million. Throw another $ 10 million for additional equipment, and it is the top bar for business jet. But for the money the customer gets a machine capable of carrying 18 passengers to fly non-stop for almost 13 thous. Km at a speed close to the supersonic.The segment of business aircraft, to which the SBJ Company "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (GSS) - the narrowest in the business aviation market. According to JetNet, the world fleet has more than 29 thousand. Business jets, while the number of business aircraft barely exceeds 380 machines. The undoubted leader in this segment is the company Boeing, which over the last 40 years has put about 290 aircraft. With a large margin in second place is Airbus, which began supplying its corporate shuttles in 2001 alone; Now the world is operated by 73 business liner. Closes the three company Embraer, which in six years has delivered 29 Lineage 1000.
However, for the year on the market are supplied units of such vehicles. According to the Association manufacturers of general aviation aircraft, in 2014. Airbus has put five aircraft, Boeing - ten, and Embraer - three. It is in this narrow niche, trying to find a place Sukhoi Business Jet.
"Keep in mind that business jets - is profitable, but it's still a niche product. We look forward to four or five aircraft per year" - said in the press-service of "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft".
At first glance, the company's valuation does not look overpriced. But we should not forget that the volume of deliveries of another newcomer of the market - the Brazilian company Embraer - averaged three business-liner per year over six years.
"If the technical characteristics of the aircraft and its price will be competitive, the aircraft will be in demand in the Russian market. Russia now has about 540 owners of business aircraft. We will look for a niche in this volume", - told in the press service of "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" .
While the company plans to deliver 4-5 aircraft per year, 540 vehicles - is the prospect for the next 100 years. However, the company is considering the possibility and enter the international market.
"We are interested in those markets where there are clients interested in business jets such as airliner - when the plane can be used as a business jet, and as a regular. For example, such as the products of the companies Airbus - ACJ - and Boeing - BBJ. It mainly South-East Asia and the Middle East "- said in the press-service of the company.
According to the authoritative forecast Bombardier Business Aircraft in the years 2015-2024, the Middle East and Southeast Asia will be delivered to 400 and 310 business jets, respectively. For comparison, the Chinese market - 875, and in Latin America - 850.
It should be noted that the forecast applies only to Bombardier business jets and does not take into account the category of business aircraft. However, this forecast is likely to correspond to the marketing policy of the GSS, which somehow positioned Sukhoi Business Jet as a business jet. One name speaks for itself. On the manufacturer's website SBJ compared with business jets the Falcon 2000 and Gulfstream G650, and predictably the comparison is not in favor of foreign aircraft other "weight" category. Even online JetNet, the largest online platform for business aviation, SBJ is registered in the category of Business Jet, instead of Jet Airliner, along with other business-liners - Lineage 100, ACJ and BBJ.
However, if you do not go into the details of the price positioning and prospects, the picture is quite encouraging. The sanctions imposed by the West against a number of Russian companies and individuals in the manufacturing process is not significantly impacted. GSS now working on long-haul version of the business version of the aircraft, namely the certification of additional fuel tanks which will increase the flight range of up to 7 thousand. Km. First SBJ already delivered to the customer - the largest operator of business aircraft Comlux, which, however, is not exploiting it, and on its site in the United States sets the VIP-lounge, assembled to order.Create an all-electric aircraft (PES) will reduce the weight of onboard equipment is not less than 3.5 tons and 15-20% increase in fuel efficiency. In Russia, one of the flagship companies that work in this direction, is holding "technodynamics."
Developing the concept of all-electric aircraft began in the late 1970s. PES - a plane with a single, centralized power supply system that provides all of its energy needs. The main component of the concept - the refusal of hydraulic and pneumatic components and transition to their electrical counterparts.
In Russia, the development of PESa was interrupted in 1990, but not so long ago it was decided to renew it. Work on the creation of an all-electric aircraft are maintained in an integrated state program based on already established scientific groundwork and launch programs "Airplane 2020", the second generation of SSJ 100, MS-21 and other advanced aircraft.
"Using different principle of operation units on a plane - some hydraulic, some electric - leads, firstly, to the complexity of control of the aircraft and, secondly, to increase the weight of the aircraft," - said General Director of the Design Center of the holding "technodynamics" Victor Nikolenko.-.
The implementation of the concept of all-electric aircraft, according to calculations, will significantly reduce the weight of onboard equipment - not less than 3.5 tonnes, as well as a 15-20% increase in fuel efficiency. In addition, it will increase the reliability and life of the aircraft, reduce the cost of its operation and improve aircraft performance and environmental characteristics. It will become much easier and Control System aircraft.
International experience shows that the concept of non-hydraulic actuators justified: an Airbus A380 electrohydrostatic actuators are used as backup. This would eliminate the third center hydraulic system, which provided decrease aircraft weight by 450 kg. On the F-35 flight control system uses only electrohydrostatic control actuators, which reduced the weight of the control system of 300 kg. One of the most advanced work in the concept of PES is the electric landing gear wheels, designed by the country's largest manufacturer of aircraft equipment holding "technodynamics." New products will be presented at the MAKS-2015 and a motor, which is mounted on the wheel of the aircraft and allows him to move the platform without the inclusion of the main engines.
"Thus, time-saving use of the main engines on the ground and can reach 40 minutes. The savings when using EPA could be up to $ 3.5 per passenger. The money will benefit at the expense of fuel economy - up to 200 liters for the take-off procedure, and at the expense of compliance new environmental standards ", - said General Director of holding" technodynamics "Maxim Kuzyuk.
It was on the drive wheel chassis may be run-essential elements of the electrical system of the future - supercapacitors. These are the elements that will generate peak currents to start the installation. "The problem of power supply board is that different units require different load - explains the director of the Science and Technology Center KLA Vladimir Kargopoltsev. According to him, this requires a new approach - the optimal management of the total energy of the aircraft, and the key role is played here is manufacturers of aircraft equipment they depend on the characteristics of produced units.
"The market will be receptive to the solutions in the field of motor-wheel when produced aggregates demonstrate efficiency for operators, - the head of analytical services agency" airport "Oleg Panteleev.- But it is obvious that, when this happens, the revolution will take place in the aviation industry, which will leaders in this race marked market advantages. "
Maria Rybakova