According to experts in the field, the cost of contracts for the supply of commercial aircraft over the next decade will exceed 3 trillion US dollars. It is expected that the main markets will be the Asia-Pacific region, which will spend 702.2 billion dollars for the renewal of commercial aircraft, North America, which will provide delivery in the amount of 614.6 billion dollars, as well as Western Europe with contracts to supply 468 700 000 000 dollars. According to the forecast of the Commercial Fleet & MRO Forecast, a fleet of commercial aircraft will grow annually by 3.3% worldwide. He will rise from the park 31 700 aircraft (this amount will be achieved in the next year) to almost 42 660 aircraft by the end of 2025. The fastest will increase the fleet of commercial aircraft in China, India and the Middle East. For comparison, in North America will increase more slowly - about 0.6% per year. Western Europe escalate fleet by 2.6% per year.In the Asia-Pacific region is expected the highest growth - 5.5%. At the same time, maintenance costs, maintenance, repair and modernization of equipment will grow to 774.8 billion dollars in 2025.
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