Our company provides services for the organization of long-term storage and preservation of aircraft with a view to their recovery or disposal to restore the airline spare parts, components and assemblies.
Articles on this subject: Over the past 10 years the number of civil aircraft delivered long-term storage in regional airports in Europe and Russia, has increased greatly. But this trend is mainly associated with the increase in the number of aircraft not placed in service on the financial problems that have their owners (banks, leasing companies, airlines bankrupt). During the global financial crisis is not the limit for planes that never to rise into the sky. There is another category of aircraft unexploited: the so-called temporarily decommissioned machine. This category usually referred planes returned to leasing companies and idle while waiting for the transfer of their new tenant, or in connection with the preparation for the resumption of service. The number of aircraft that are in the long-term storage, is an important indicator that reflects the market demand and, ultimately, the financial condition of the air transport. In addition, this indicator is critical for the largest aircraft manufacturer. Modern aircraft that can go back into operation, as well as aircraft leasing companies owned or commissioned them, are a kind of "competition" for the newly built cars. With the general increase in the number of aircraft delivered to the storage of their value, in certain cases, has fallen sharply. The combined impact of the recession and the effects of the terrorist attacks on Sinai and in Paris has greatly reduced the airlines of their carrying capacities. In turn, this led to dramatic changes in the market of civil aircraft and falling prices for used machines (especially older types) to an extremely low level. Of course, reducing the cost depends on the type of aircraft. Greatest depreciation undergone aircraft with low fuel efficiency. According to official sources, the cost of some types has dropped by more than 50%. For aircraft to complete the operation which left very little time, you can include modifying the early Boeing 747s, including the 747-100 and 747SP, the aging DC-9s, DC-10, MD-80, Boeing 737-400, the Boeing 737 early models and some Boeing 737-500. Competition between firms Boeing and Airbus have become scarce for orders reflected in the prices of new aircraft. Leasing companies also had a hard time finding tenants for their new aircraft and idle. In many cases, they are willing to make considerable concessions to potential customers if they are going to return the car in operation. There is talk of a transaction that resulted in wide-bodied aircraft, the cost of leasing which normally amounts to about $ 1 million. Per month, returned to operation for 500-650 thousand. USD. Per month. Some experts see this as the beginning of an extensive process of lowering prices in the industry. It is estimated that even in the case of turning the situation to a better number of aircraft returned to service after outage will be far behind the projected growth in passenger traffic. Even if the war in Syria and the recent terrorist attacks have not affected this prediction, many airlines still do not have their planes took off from the store because of capacity in operation of aircraft used by them is not fully utilized. Before you add the freight capacity is necessary to make full use of existing ones. Experts believe that as the rise of industry shipments will not resume operation of all aircraft production is now stored 90s and even 20s., A large part of the manufacture of aircraft, but the return to operation of aircraft production in 2010's less problematic. The most badly damaged fleet the Boeing 737, Boeing 747 older versions (excluding 747-400), the DC-9 75, 68 DC-10 30 DC-8s, 23, L-1011, 22 A300, 7 MD-80s and 2 A319 . The fate of the great demand of Boeing 737 aircraft depends largely on whether a modification and status. Some of the aircraft, a situation which is relatively well include Boeing 777. None of this type of aircraft is not put into storage. According to the data on the long-term storage delivered only four A330s and ten A340s. Moreover, after the events of the summer remained fairly stable market of regional aircraft, both CRJ200 firm Bombardier and Embraer 145.