Company AVIAMASH Ltd offers you a program of recovery and recycling of heavy aircraft - "Aircraft Part-Out". It offers a special services and activities organized around the world for recycling aircraft airline spare parts, dismantling, storage components, restoration of components and assemblies, demolition and disposal of fuselages, aircraft storage and preservation. AVIAMASH Ltd Company has sufficient experience in the organization of long-term storage and preservation of aircraft with the possibility of recycling. The program is designed for commercial airlines, military organizations, leasing and insurance companies. Experts AVIAMASH Ltd and participants of the program "Aircraft Part-Out" has the skills to save time and money for our customers. We recycle the aircraft in a place where it is stored. As a rule, your plane is disposed in the space provided at the airport home, or possibly a specialized flies for our base in Georgia, or in Spain, Russia. Our team of professionals actively involved in the dismantling of the aircraft accurately and competently zaskladiruet all the details. This recycling program saves you time and money for its members. You will be able to make profits from the processing of aircraft. Recycling program airplanes and jet engines generates revenue for our customers through our own recycling process air-parts around the world. The program "Aircraft Part-Out" for the dismantling and recycling of your aircraft is not only the most convenient option, but also the most cost effective and environmentally conscious choice. We provide purchase of aircraft, engines and air-obsolete stocks of spare parts are not flying planes for dismantling and recycling. For you, we free warehouses of unsold stocks of spare parts and accessories. The program "Aircraft Part-Out» provides a quick repayment of your plane, for detailed disassembly it apart. From our experience, many airlines have aircraft that are no longer used. These planes are no longer expedient to finance the repair and purchase of airline parts. We are able to carry out work to restore all nodes in good condition and repair units and components that require updating and extension resources. We have partners in the world to repair the power plants and to restore the units and components. All repaired components will be provided with an official document for further legal use and sale. We constantly receive requests for the supply of spare parts for airplanes and helicopters. Our experience shows that you can profitably sell his plane in parts. If the airline operator has its warehouse airline parts, we will consider an offer to buy these items for any aircraft other than sports and light aviation.
121069 Moscow,
Bolshoy Rzhevskiy pr.
5 office 105
Moscow: +7 495 222 77 63