American Aerion Corp, which, together with Airbus is developing a supersonic business jet AS2, called the expected date of certification - the second half of 2023, the final assembly is likely to be held in the United States. The journalists said the head of Aerion Brian Barents. Now the market is estimated AS2 marketers of 600 machines. In June 2015 the Board of Directors authorized the start of sales of Aerion supersonic business jet AS2 in 2015 for $ 120 million. The first 50 customers will receive special rates and other benefits that are only available for the first tranche of the orders. The aircraft, which will fly at speeds of Mach 1.5, will be a new era of business traffic. The first 10-15 years "supersonic" the market will be the exclusive prerogative of extremely wealthy clients, but over time this will change. From an expensive toy he will turn into a daily necessity, and here we are already seeing among our customers large corporations, as well as, perhaps, the governments of several countries ", - says Mr. Barents.
Speaking of the power plant AS2, Barents said that Aerion looking for an engine that meets all international environmental standards, especially noise. "We have had fruitful discussions with a number of suppliers of engines. Soon we will unveil the certain moments of our negotiations ", - he said.
Given the fact that in all countries of the world has a law banning supersonic flights over the continental territory, its maximum speed of the aircraft can not reach everywhere. At the same time he will be able to fly at supersonic speed over the ocean and over the states that possess vast sparsely populated areas. Among these countries can be identified Russia, Canada and Australia. In these countries, it is possible to obtain special permission for such flights.
The company continues to expand the engineering structure and deepen ties with the Airbus Group, which signed a partnership agreement. Companies involved in the phase of joint technical study and design specification AS2. Aerion in March and moved to a new spacious office in Reno, Nevada, who, instead of increasing the number of staff and provide space engineers Aerion and Airbus collaboration. Now the company is preparing to test a new low-speed wind tunnel in AS2. The tests will be held in September in the wind tunnel of the University of Washington. "We have already made significant progress in the formation of the external and internal appearance of the AS2», concludes Mr. Barents.