The Spectrum S-33, renamed Independence in late 2006, is a new Very light jet designed and built by Spectrum Aeronautical using a carbon fiber construction process that makes the airplane weigh about two thirds as much as a comparably sized aluminum frame airplane. The aircraft is designed to cruise at 45,000 ft. at speeds up to 415 knots (Mach 0.72) and fly as far as 2000 nm (3700 km) while using about half the fuel of comparably sized aluminum framed business aircraft. FAA and JAA Type Certifications of the S-33 Independence was expected to be completed in 2009, but was not. The company has provided no press releases to explain the long delay in gaining certification.
The aircraft is reported to be able to accommodate 5–6 passenger seats, a full-sized private lavatory, and will have a maximum take-off weight of 7,300 lb., with a range of over 2,000 miles. The retail sales price of the aircraft is $3.65 million (in 2006 dollars).
Plane info
Cruise speed: 770 km/h
Total range: 3 700 km
Engines: 2 x Williams FJ33-4
Aircraft dimensions
Wingspan: 12.8 m
Length: 14.0 m
Length: 5.3 m
Width: 1.47 m
Height: 1.47 m
Passengers: up to 9