Business Jet Citation Latitude - the most recent evidence of recovery after the recession of the company Textron Aviation, which is involved in the struggle for their historical share of the business aviation market. This is the first plane Cessna's super class, which in its interior cross-sectional dimensions substantially the same as the model Hawker 4000. Instead of using composite fuselage of Cessna developed a new aluminum alloy, combining it with the wings, engines and main systems of the project CE-680 Sovereign +.
The first flight took place in February 2014, since the two experimental aircraft completed more than 600 flights and flew a total of 1550 hours.
The efficiency power circuit design-glider - strong point of this machine. Curb Weight sun super mid-fuselage just 160 kg more than the model Sovereign +. This cabin pressurization increased to 0.66 bar, which corresponds to an altitude of 1,800 meters during a flight at flight level FL450 (maximum cruising height of the sun). Low weight allows business jets to transport up to five people with full refueling, with parking and a take-off weight increased by 11 kg. Citation Latitude can operate in the same airport as the Sovereign +, by using the same propulsion and wing. Operators can plan the most flights on the basis of flight speed of 400 knots per hour. This is 40 units less than in the main competitor Embraer Legacy 450, but the Latitude can take off and land on shorter runways. Thus, it is open to the majority of small air harbors of business aviation, which are located close to major business centers. The cross-section is wider cabin Latitude salons all his predecessors of the Citation family and is one of the most spacious in its class. In the main section there are six individual seats in the front section of the two-seater sofa set. The cross-section is wider cabin Latitude all his predecessors of the Citation family and is one of the most spacious in its class. In the main section there are six individual seats in the front section of the two-seater sofa set. The photo does not show an additional seat on the toilet, certified for use during the flight
MODERNIZATION airframe and systems
As with all models in the Citation, basic airframe business jet Latitude is an aluminum semi-monocoque with cladding panels, ribs, ribs and spars, which are connected by rivets, screws or glue. There is little use of composite materials, for example, in the construction of the radome the radar fairings wing fairings and adjustable design service hatch.
T-tail is one of the deficiencies of the aircraft, but the power circuit plumage is quite effective and permits a wide range of center of gravity at different loads. New spring-loaded door to the passenger compartment provides for manual opening and closing of the automatic and manual. Each step has a LED-backlit. Lower step rests firmly against the ground to facilitate the landing.
New features fuselage improved aerodynamics foredeck, which led to a reduction of aerodynamic resistance and reduction of the noise level in the cabin. The windshield has a hydrophobic coating, thereby eliminating the need for removal of moisture from the glass surface. Crew members should be like new luggage compartment hatch in the aft section of the aircraft. The new design makes it easier to load and unload luggage. The very roof section is certified according to fire Class C, equipped with a fire extinguisher bystrorazryadnym, combined with MAT, as well as a fire extinguisher in slow motion, which is activated at elevations below 25,000 feet to suppress any residual pockets of flames. Wing sweep through the quarter chord is only 12,7 °, but with a low profile aerodynamic plane can reach speeds up to 450 knots. Operators can choose to flight level FL410-FL420, while cruising speed amount to 420-430 knots per hour on long flights. The capacity of the aircraft wing tanks is 5168 kg. Filling toplivopriemnikom located on the right wing near the leading edge, but alternatively can use toplivopriemnikom located on top of the wing. Electric fuel pumps are used to run engines, fuel transfer, and as standby pumps. The main electrical system is a separate DC bus, powered by a 300-ampere starter-generators, APU Honeywell RE100, certified to run at altitudes up to 20,000 feet in normal operation at altitudes up to 30,000 feet, an external power supply or two nickel cadmium batteries capacity of 44 Amp-hrs Two small AC generator driven by the motors, used for power windshield heater. Deicing protection pressure sensors, external temperature and angle of attack is carried out by means of electric heaters. Only a few of the major machine-breakers are located in the cockpit. Others are placed in the switch box at the rear of the aircraft away from the carriage, in accordance with the recommendations of EASA. Latitude business jet equipped with a hydraulic system constant pressure (204 bar) with a hydraulic pump actuated by motors or by an auxiliary electric pump. Hydraulic drive mechanism is used for the chassis, brakes, reverse thrust system, control system by turning the nose landing gear and multifunction spoilers.
All landing gear equipped with dual wheels. Rotate the nose gear from the pedals are at an angle of 7 °, using the handle, you can deploy the nose gear by 81 °. The service life of the tires of the main landing gear more than 300 landings. Nitrogen cylinders positioned in the nose compartment, is used for emergency braking and landing gear. Separate battery provides an alternative source of energy to turn the nose landing gear.On each wing spoilers are five shields. Three central panel are spoyleronami. Two external shield function as interceptors in flight and dampers lift at ground.The rudder is equipped with a trimmer driven by a system of selection of air and reduces the force on the pedals in the event of engine failure. The gain trim indicator is inversely proportional to the speed of the aircraft. The air sampling system from passing through the pre-cooling chamber arranged in the pylons used for cabin pressurization, air conditioning system and passenger compartment heating in deicing systems wing, horizontal stabilizer and the motor. Catalytic converters use ozone to clean the air of salon. Degree of cabin pressurization is automatically controlled by the onboard avionics. The aircraft is equipped with dual-zone temperature control, as well as device recycling air to accelerate the cooling of the cab.
The aeronautical and flashing beacons using LED lamps long life. Incandescent lamps are used in landing and taxi lamps and lanterns lighting in the front edge of the wing.
The front door - one of the largest in the family of aircraft Citation. Behind the cockpit wall by the front door is the kitchen compartment containers for hot and cold products, containers for ice, cutlery and kitchenware. Optionally is possible to install a microwave oven, but the installation of sinks and faucets are not available at all.
On the right side of the copilot's seat is narrow toilet. Opposite the entrance is set seater sofa with curved armrests. Installation of single chairs with a large closet to starboard.
The height of the windows in the cabin is 43 cm, width - 33 cm. The portholes are fitted with two plastic blinds, one of which provides a slight darkening, and the second completely blocks the access of light through the window. LED lighting in the ceiling, at the base of chairs and side panels visually increases interior in size.
Upholstery chairs and various interior cabin made of high quality leather and tissues. LED lights create a comfortable lighting. Holders rectangular shape, in which in addition can supply various cup containers, unlike Sovereign + arranged in the armrests. Each seat is equipped with a USB-output. In addition, each pair of seats is equipped with a separate outlet voltage 117 V.
Latitude business jet can carry up to nine people, but the actual operation of the majority of operators carrying not more than six. With full tanks Latitude can carry five passengers, and each additional passenger reduces flight distance is 100 km. Multimedia system Cessna Clarity is built on a fiber-optic architecture, designed by Head-Up Technologies. This system controls the interior lighting, temperature and dimming glass. Each seat is equipped with touch screen, with which you can control the lighting of the chair and a desk. Passengers can connect to your entertainment system via their smartphones and tablets based on iOS and Android. Optionally, the system can be installed satellite broadband Internet Aviator 300 Inmarsat from Aircell.
Summer Impressions
Recently I tested the second prototype Cessna Citation Latitude serial number 680A-0002, in the captain's chair, accompanied by the chief pilot Textron and test pilot Latitude Aaron Tobias, who sat in the copilot's seat. What immediately impressed the most, so it's quiet and simple layout avionics Garmin G5000. Controls hydraulic, fuel system, the pressure control system, FADEC and APU moved from the front panel on the center console, where they are easily accessible to each pilot. As in the business jet Sovereign +, adjustable dashboard illumination is located on the top panel, as well as control of the lighting system of the aircraft, and safety switches. Front and side visibility is simply excellent, but the wide fuselage and the wingspan of a large demand from the pilots extreme caution when taxiing to prevent collisions with foreign objects. The presence of two multifunction touchscreen on the front center console eliminates the need for the usual control and display unit on-board computer (FMS CDU). Menu navigation touch screen is straightforward thanks to the use in avionics Garmin intuitive icons and pictograms. In other words, Garmin G5000 - this iPhone in the world of avionics. Prelaunch checks pass very quickly. Most of them are automated. Despite the fact that the motors are equipped with FADEC, their start is carried out in two stages. Electric starter is actuated by pressing on the center console behind the pull handle. When the turbine speed N1, equal to 9%, by pressing the appropriate signal is transmitted to the FADEC, initiating fuel injection and ignition. After starting the engine, we taxied to runway 27, the San Diego Airport. Management brakes and turn the nose landing gear precise and smooth. Takeoff we performed without stopping at the executive start due to the dense traffic at the airport. We zaarmirovali autothrottle and partly pushed the throttles forward. However, the autothrottle servos are not involved until we pushed the throttles nearly maximum thrust. Fuel consumption at takeoff reached the level of 2295 kg / h.
Because of the low take-off weight of the aircraft acceleration on takeoff it was very quick. When lifting force on the steering wheel were minor, which facilitated the process of monitoring the pitch. After reaching the pitch angle of 20 °, the speed increases very quickly. After retracting the flaps had to work only slightly trimmer to keep the desired pitch.
With a weight of 10,800 kg airplane at flight level FL450 cruising speed was 0,74M (425 KTAS). Fuel consumption was equal to 598 kg / h. The calculated data for that flight were: speed of 411 knots, fuel consumption - 589 kg / h. On tier FL370 at ISA + 2C true airspeed was 450 knots per hour, and fuel consumption - 898 kg / h. The calculated data for that tier: the speed of 446 knots per hour, fuel consumption - 901 kg / h. Upon returning to San Diego reduction was carried out on a small gas under issued spoilers. When released all 10 boards spoilers, vertical rate of descent is normal may be up to 9,000 feet per minute. At an altitude of 16,000 feet, we executed a few turns with a roll of 45 ° at a speed of 250 KIAS. Efforts to control the pitch were moderate, making it easy to maintain the desired pitch. Just as airplanes Sovereign +, efforts to roll on the controls are quite high for this class of aircraft, despite the presence of spoilers, are responsible for the removal of these efforts. Another important quality of the aircraft - a stall characteristics. However, testing a business jet in critical conditions is not necessary. The autothrottle responds quickly in the event of flight with very low or very high speed. This standard autothrottle works neatly, so most pilots prefer to use it from the beginning to the end of the flight.
Approach was held at the design landing weight of 10,360 kg. The calculated approach speed was 107 KIAS flaps when issued by 15 °, and at 99 KIAS flaps, issued by 35 °.On the final approach to the strip 26R, we recorded the speed of 102 KIAS (Vref + 3). Height was great, so we had the gear to slow down to a speed of 175 KIAS and flaps. Tobias said that spoilers can be released until the flaps do not come at an angle of 15 °. Easy management approach was excellent. At a height of 50 feet autothrottle moved to a small gas and slowly we leveled the aircraft before touching. The very touch was very soft, largely due to the special design of the landing gear. Full release spoilers, medium and short braking forces use of reverse thrust provided to stop the aircraft until the middle of the runway. Menu Navigation touchscreens cockpit is straightforward thanks to the use in avionics Garmin intuitive icons and pictograms. In other words, Garmin G5000 - this iPhone in the world of avionics
No business jet super mid traditional authorities do not have such responsive handling. And any business jet takeoff does not possess such characteristics. Of course, Latitude is not the leader in cruising speed, payload and range with full tanks, but its cost, which amounts to $ 16,250,000., The plane does the best value for a variety of parameters.