Commissioning sverhdalnemagistralnogo high-speed Global 7000 aircraft is postponed to a later date. According to the Canadian manufacturer Bombardier, we are talking about the second half of 2018 initially supply Global 7000 were scheduled for 2016, but later the company did not rule out the possibility of delays in the program.
Shift maturity due to the occurrence of problems during the project, but in what they will conclude, at Bombardier did not specify. Today, the factory is the final assembly of the first prototype Global 7000, which is intended for the flight test.
The plane, which must compete with the Gulfstream 650 (certified in the US in 2012 and in Europe in 2013), has a new wing, designed from scratch, the construction of which will allow the machine operated at shorter runways and fly longer distances . As reported earlier, the wing area is increased as compared with the version of the Global 5000, and its scope will increase to 3 m. The new ending will not only help to reduce induced drag, and resistance to shocks attachment point "wings."
Starting the Global 7000 (and Global 8000, which will be able to fly on another long distance) it was announced in October 2010. At the initial stage manufacturer forecasted size of the market in the segment of 300 new sun each year. However, in May 2015 the company announced a slowdown in the production of business jets Global 5000 and 6000 due to a fall in demand for enterprise-class aircraft with increased flight range (it is especially noticeable in areas such as China, Latin America and Russia) .
At the beginning of 2015 Bombardier Learjet 85. froze the program In addition, the company is late with the program creating a single-aisle CSeries.