Iran over the next five years is ready to buy annually at 80-90 aircraft major aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, reports local news agency IRNA reported citing the head of the country's civil aviation (CAO) Mohammad Hodakarami. During this time, the number of planes in Iran can be increased by about 300 units. Exactly how this figure was derived, Hodakarami not explained.
Buying aircraft will be possible if the Western countries to remove Iran's economic sanctions. The acquisition of the Sun will take place in the framework of renewal of the fleet, with each manufacturer is planning to purchase an equal number of machines, said Hodakarami. According to Reuters, today the average age of aircraft in the park Iranian airlines is 23 years, almost double the average in the world.
It is planned that the new aircraft will take on lease. To finance the transaction, Iranian authorities intend to allocate budget funds and attract foreign loans. Earlier Hodakarami said that over the next 10 years the country will need to 400-500 civil aircraft worth about $ 20 billion.
The sanctions with Iran should be removed at the end of this year. This became possible after the signing in mid-July medzhdunarodnogo agreement under which Iran limits its nuclear program. Reaching an agreement was preceded by years of negotiations between the Islamic Republic and the six countries - the US, Russia, France, Britain, China and Germany.
The country has already started discussions with aircraft manufacturers to purchase new aircraft. Last year, Boeing concluded a framework agreement with the Iranian airline Iran Air, which was the first document of more than 30 years. Under the arrangement, the carrier aircraft builder will supply goods and services to close, including spare parts for airplanes. The agreement with Iran made possible by the airline after Tehran made concessions to the international community and agreed to suspend its nuclear program, with the result that the US eased its sanctions. However, a month after the conclusion of the agreement, the Iranian side has accused the producer of inflating prices.
According Airfleets.net, the country's largest airline operates more than 10 aircraft Boeing 747. Their average age is 36 years, and on this indicator of 84 airlines ekspluatiruschih this type of aircraft, the carrier ranked 79th, the magazine writes 24/7 Wall St. In addition, the park has aivakompanii the Airbus A300, A330, A310 and A320, as well as the Fokker 100. Their average age is about 30 years. In addition to Iran Air in the country there are about 15 operators of aircraft. According to media reports, about 50% of their fleet consists of aircrafts Airbus.
Potentially new aircraft could get all of these carriers. However, according to experts, the order books of Boeing and Airbus will not allow Iran to provide aircraft in this period, due to which the market becomes interesting for lessors. So, Iran is eyeing the Irish company Avolon, although its representatives have not yet conducted the negotiations with the State, reports The Wall Street Journal.