The concept of low-cost airline has arisen in the United States, and later spread to Europe and then to the whole world. No one would deny that the air in the modern world play a huge role. Here, speed is important transportation: air transport it enables fast transportation. However, the important role played by the price. After all, the air - this is one of the most expensive forms of transportation. That's why low-cost airline in demand: they make it possible to travel cheaply anywhere in the world. However, it is important to understand that cheap flights mean that have to give up a number of services and amenities. Firstly, optimized tickets: as a rule, tickets are sold through the Internet, with no possibility to remove the reservation. Secondly, all the seats in an aircraft are of the same class. Moreover, as a rule, low cost serve several functions. For example, the stewards, but their duties are also engaged in cleaning the cabin, the registration of passengers on the flight (to save the salary fund). Of course, low-cost airline tend to save on everything, including the purchase of aircraft. It seems amazing, but the value of the used aircraft reduced by more than 90% compared with the price of the new aircraft, which makes it possible to save on the budget airline fleet. What is it? ... Another bubble? According to Air Transport World Delta Air Lines recently wrote a letter of intent to buy a used plane Boeing 777 for $ 7.7 million, as stated CEO Richard Anderson. Back in October, the head of Delta said that in the sector of sales of second-hand aircraft observed a huge bubble, as the 10-year-old "Boeing 777-200" cost $ 10 million. However, the head of Boeing Dennis Myulentburg disagreed with Anderson, saying that the president of the company Delta estimates used 777 planes too cheaply. However, as it turns out, Andersen was wrong when he said that the second-hand "777" cost $ 10 million. "In fact, the plane is worth $ 7.7 million. We have just signed a letter of intent to buy it" - wrote Anderson in his blog on Twitter. The nominal price of a new Boeing 777-200ER - $ 277,3 Mill. This means that Delta Air buys used "777" at a price 97.2% lower than the price of a new "777". Delta Air Lines has not provided detailed information about the transaction, but this difference in prices can not help but attract attention. And stay open a few questions regarding this sector. Was this the only deal of its kind, and Delta's managed to find a very "motivated" seller who was willing to sell the aircraft at a lower price? And if so, who was the seller, and why he decided to sell the aircraft in such a hurry? On the other hand, if the transaction is typical for the market of second-hand aircraft, it means that the market for new planes - it is really a huge bubble financed by organizations such as the Export-Import Bank. At the micro level, if the market for new aircraft - a giant bubble, as the transaction involves Delta, it means that the assessment of Boeing is not very credible. In the end, once there is a huge difference between the prices of new and used jets, what does it mean for evaluation depreciation costs for a variety of banks? Analysts have long said that the major manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus, is inflated bubble - like production (associated with an excess of existing orders in comparison to the real needs of the market), as well as financial - due to excessive inflating manufacturers catalog price of a new fleet. Thus all say fierce competition between manufacturers and fight for each new contract. However, since the growth rate of air travel slowing throughout the world, it could very soon lead to the fact that the bubble will burst, and the market can not absorb so many new aircraft, as producing companies in recent years.
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