Iran helped to get out of "networking bans and embargoes", the two countries - the United States and Russia, calculated on the appreciation of the Persians. And it would be more than logical - effort authoritative countries, "Six" international negotiators on the night of July 14, 2015, Iran has released "into the wild" - in exchange for promises to stop Iran's nuclear program. By the way - not without objections from Britain and France. Iran has received more than $ 200 billion of assets frozen, and since then, almost - every day, receives a refund of payments for oil. In particular, as recently as January 4 corporation Royal Dutch Shell and the National Iranian Oil Company came to an agreement about the order in which the Anglo-Dutch company will pay Iran debt of $ 2.3 billion. In gratitude, Iran said that it is not interested in buying Russian civil aircraft, although in Russia believe - Iran will acquire 15 aircraft and Tu-204SM large batch of SSJ 100 to 2020. At the same time Iran's Civil Aviation Organization refers to the lack of interest of Iranian airlines aircraft "dry" and "Tupolev". And what Iranian carriers "laid eyes"? On the advanced passenger liners: Iran in the near future plans to order 450 new aircraft models Boeing and Airbus. Today's aircraft fleet has an average age of 22 years old.
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