The Gulfstream III which built at Savannah, Georgia in the United States and what designed as to improved variant of the Grumman Gulfstream II. Design Studies were Performed by Grumman Aircraft Corporation in collaboration with Gulfstream American Corporation. Design of the Gulfstream III started with on effort to synthesize a Completely new wing Employing NASA supercritical airfoil sections and winglets. Optimization studies considering weight, drag, fuel volume, cost, and performance Indicated That a substantial portion of the new wing benefit Could be secured with modifications to the existing wing. As a result, the new wing concept which canceled and work began on design modifications That would retain the Gulfstream II wing box structure and trailing edge surfaces. The inboard wing which extended in chord and recontoured, to reduce the aircraft's high-speed drag. The wing span which Increased by six feet and five-foot winglets were added. In addition, the fuselage lengthened by at what additional two-foot section aft of the main door and the radome which extended and re-contoured. A new curved windscreen what Incorporated, changes made to the cockpit instruments were and autopilot and the maximum take-off weight Increased what. The aircraft received type approval from the American Federal Aviation Administration at September 1980th
General Information:
Airframe - 19 595.9 hours
Landings - 9271
Engines - Rolls Royce Spey 511-8 Stage 2
#1 - S/N 11196 TSN – 11196 hrs
TSO – 4163.7 hrs O/H
Due June. 2017
CSN – 6184 CSO - 2169
#2 - S/N 8948 TSN – 9298.2 hrs
TSO – 2849.8 hrs O/H Due Sept. 2017
CSN – 5035
CSO – 1458
APU – GTCP 36-100
Main Lndg Gear - 650 Cycles Remaining
Side Brace - 2 070 Cycles Remaining
Nose Gear – Rod End 15 735 Cycles Remaining
Maintenance Status – Airworthy – 24 month
Inspectiondue Aug. 2016
was refurbished in 2010 with a thirteen passenger beige leather interior and an additional convertible two place divan seats adjacent to the four-place club seating and table, light wooded veneer and beige carpet, a four-place berthable divan next to the rear galley. This aircraft has both front and aft cabin crew seating & Airshow 400.
Additional Equipment:
Two 13 Pax Certified Life Rafts6 Tank Long Range Oxygen.
Collins equipped