Sale of helicopters in perfect condition. Very few flown 40 missions. Stored in the hangar. One owner, all documents, the helicopter serviceable. Price - Make Offer. The Bell-407 is classified as a mid-size helicopter, and can be used for the following missions: Corporate, Medical, Oil & Gas, and Parapublic. The approximate base price of this rotorcraft new Bell-407 is $3.6 million, which is 67% less expensive than the average for its class. It can transport up to 6 passengers, 8 fewer than competitors of a similar size. The Bell-407 can fly as far as 330 nautical miles on a tank of fuel, a range that's 95 mi shorter than other similarly sized rotorcraft. Its maximum altitude ceiling (HOGE) is 10450 feet, which is 1,850 ft higher than average for its class. Top speed comes in at 133 knots, or 8.3% slower than the average mid-size helicopter. The Bell 407 integrates reliability, speed, performance and maneuverability with a cabin configurable for an array of missions and payloads. Its Rolls-Royce 250-C47B/8 turbine FADEC engine delivers exceptional hot and high performance with the ability to cruise at 133 kts/246 km/h. Its spacious cabin has five club-passenger seats with an additional passenger seat in the cockpit in single pilot operations. For added passenger comfort, the Bell 407 also provides a very quiet and smooth ride in virtually all weather conditions.
- Honeywell KEA-130A Encoding Altimeter
- Avionics Master Switch
- Artex C406-1HM-w-Remote / 3 Freq. (No Nav Interface)
- Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. Avionics Console
- Garmin GNS-430W GPS/COM/NAV/GS
- Garmin GNS-430W GPS/COM/NAV/GS #2
- Garmin GI-106A C\CDI Interfaced to GNS
- KA-33 Cooling Fan
- NAV Switching
- HONEYWELL KT-76A Transponder Interfaced to KEA-130 Encoding Altimeter
- Honeywell KR-87 ADF Receiver
- KI-227 Indicator and Antenna
- Honeywell KMA24H-71 Audio Panel-w-5-Place Aft ICS /
- Co-Pilot Footswitch; transmit cabin ICS
Additional Equipment
- High Skid Gear with Flite Steps
- Dual Controls
- Rotor Brake
- Aux Fuel Provisions
- Aux Fuel Tank Equipment
- 28 AMP Battery
- Sand Barrier Filter ( IBFS )
- High Visibility M/R Blades
- Engine Fire Detection Kit
- Ground Handling Wheels
- Air Comm Air Cond w/Dual Forward Evap
- Crew Door & Pax Door Wedge Windows
- Automatic Door Openers Kit (5)
- Floor Protectors; Crew, Cabin & Baggage
- Spacemaker
- Preflight Kit; Folding Maintenance Steps w/Step Handles (L&R)
- 5 Place Corporate Club Seating in Dark Blue Leather & wool carpet with A