Airbus offers the most modern and comprehensive corporate jet family in the world, giving customers the greatest choice of wide and spacious cabins, which allow them to select the comfort they want in the size they need. The family begins with the Airbus A340, which feature cabins that are approximately twice as wide as traditional high-end business jets, without being much larger externally. This makes them the new standard to which corporate jet customers aspire – with customers for these aircraft benefitting from unequalled comfort, space and freedom of movement on every trip. Airbus is expanding this successful corporate jet series with two highly-capable new members: the ACJ340 (new engine option) and ACJ340neo, which provide further enhancements in comfort, flight distances and efficiency. For corporate jet customers that want to carry even more passengers, in even greater comfort and space, Airbus offers a full family of VIP widebodies that also deliver “non-stop to the world” range, allowing company executives, high net-worth individuals and government leaders to save time by flying directly to their destination. These comprise the Airbus ACJ340. Interior: Galleys: 9; Lavatory: 9; Seats: 36 Business Class Seats; 218 Economy Class Seats; Total Seats: 254.
Aircraft available on Lease Finance - Financing available’
long-range Aircraft Airbus A340-313, YOM 2002
equipped with four CFM engines CFM56-5C4 and ready
for delivery. Highlights of this aircraft include:
• Range 13.400 KM (non-stop)
• Aircraft ready for VIP configuration
Manufacturer Honeywell, Hours Since New 21,502 AH, Serial Number R-406C,
Cycles Since New 20,899 AC, Model GTCP 331-350C Hours Since LSV 0,00 AH,
LSV Date 26 November 2015, Cycles Since LSV 0,00 AC
Receiver Rockewell Collins, DME – Distance Measuring Equipment Interrogator
Rockwell Collins, Radio Altimeter Transceiver Sextant, Weather Radar Transceiver
Honeywell, ATC Mode S Transponder Rockwell CollinS, Intercommunication
CIDS Director (Kid System), SELCAL Code Panel TEAM, ELT Kannad, ELT, TCAS
II Computer Honeywell, AMU (Audio Management Unit) TEAM, MMR – Multi-
Mode Receiver Rockwell Collins, CVR – Cockpit Voice Recorder Honeywell,
DFDR Honeywell, VOR/Marker Receiver Rockwell Collins, FMGECS - Flight
Management, Guidance and Envelope Computer Sextant/Honeywell, Display
Unit Sextant (x2) and Thales.
LH Main Nose Gear RH Main Centre
Manufacturer: Messier Dowty Messier Bugatti Messier Dowty Messier Dowty
Part No: 201489001-065 D23581100-19 201489001-065 37100-1001
Serial No: MDG-0238 B459 MDG-0232 DCL244/01
Hours Since New: Null Null Null Null
Cycles Since New: 8,120 TTC 7,995 TTC 8,120 TTC 7,416 TTC
Cycles Remaining: 13,004 TTC 15,524 TTC 13,304 TTC 11,103 TTC
Next Due: 19 July 2017 05 September 2022 19 July 2017 27 September 2022
TBO 3,650 Days 3,650 Days 3,650 Days 3,650 Days
17,000 FC 17,000 FC 17,000 FC 17,000 FC
24M Check 55,948 FH / 7,130 FC 10,000 FH 13 Sept. 2017
‘C2’ Check 48,047 FH / 6,234 FC 18,000 FH 66,047 FH
6 Years Check 48,047 FH / 6,234 FC 2,190 Days 30 Sept 2018
12 Years Check 48,047 FH / 6,234 FC 4,380 Days 01 Oct. 2024