Articles & news

Russian Helicopters Started Production of Mi-38T for the Russian Ministry of Defense
"Kazan Helicopters" of the "Russian Helicopters" holding (part of Rostec State Corporation) has started to assemble the first prototype of the Mi-38T within the framework of the implementation of obligations under the contract concluded with the Russian Ministry of Defense in July 2017.
In accordance with the ter

Russia certificates Mil Mi-171A2 helicopter
Russian Helicopters has secured validation for the Mil Mi-171A2, the latest variant of its long-running, medium-twin helicopter line.
Rosaviatsia, Russia's federal air transport regulator, granted the certification on 17 August.

Russia sells first civil Mil Mi-171 to Pakistan
Russian Helicopters holding has announced its first delivery of a civil Mil Mi-171 medium helicopter to Pakistan. The delivery is organized under a contract with the government of Baluchistan province following an international tender, and will be completed within the first half of 2017.

Russian Firm Delivers Mi-171E Convertible Helicopter To Pakistan
Pakistan has received a Russian-made Mi-171E non-combat helicopter, the second such chopper delivered to the country this year, indicating growing ties between Islamabad and Moscow, a media report has said.
The Mi-171 is a civilian variant of the Mi-17 military cargo helicopter, which is already

Nuova versione per il Mi-8/17 Hip
Russian Helicopter sta lavorando allo sviluppo dell’ennesima versione dell’elicottero Mil Mi-8/17; questo è quanto emerso da un comunicato stampa emesso dalla società.
Denominato Mi-171Sh-VN, questo nuovo elicottero è stato progettato in base all’esperienza acquisita dall’u

Russian Helicopters sells 10 machines for Chinese operators
Russian Helicopters has signed three contracts with Hong Kong-based United Helicopters International Group for the delivery of a total of 10 helicopters for operators in China, including five light Ansat helicopters in medevac configuration.
Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) has signed three contract

Mil Mi-171A2 certified in Russia
Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency has granted a type certificate to the Mil Mi-171A2 medium utility helicopter, the latest iteration of the Mi-8/17/171 family, manufacturer Russian Helicopters reports.
Russian Helicopters lanza el Mi-171Sh, el Mi-35M2 y el nuevo Mi-38 al mercado latinoamericano
Russian Helicopters, holding de la corporación Rostec, busca ampliar su mercado latinoamericano con la venta de mas helicópteros tanto a antiguos como a nuevos clientes potenciales.

Dhaka to buy two Russian helicopters for border guards
Bangladesh will procure two Russian multi-role choppers for Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) as part of modernisation of the border force.BGB director general Major General Abul Hossain said they had other options but chose Mi series choppers as their rate of accidents is low and Bangladesh Air Force pilots are familiar with the
GAMA Report Shows Good News for Piston Aircraft Sales
So far, 2017 looks like a good year for piston airplane sales.