Articles & news

Ukrainian President Peter Poroshenko imposed a ban on cooperation with Russia in the military sphere
With such a presentation by First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Yarema. The Russian side has commented on such statements.

Falcon 8X almost ready for ground tests
Construction of a new long-distance business jet Dassault Falcon 8X almost completed.

Diamond Aircraft will equip new aircraft engine Ukrainian
Austrian Diamond Aircraft has begun to assemble a new multipurpose single engine aircraft Dart 450. According to the publication Flightglobal, the first prototype will be installed AI-450 production Ukrainian companies "Motor Sich" and "Ivchenko-Progress".

Owners of private jets are actively helping Ukrainian border guards
Recently, one of the volunteers on a private jet conducted monitoring section of the state border in the area of responsibility of the Zhytomyr border detachment.
Embraer is strengthened in China
Brazilian aircraft builder Embraer signed a memorandum of understanding with Chinese leasing company Minsheng Financial Leasing, a subsidiary of China Banking Corporation "Minshen" (China Minsheng Banking Corporation Ltd).

Piaggio until you do business jet
Piaggio Aero does not exclude the possibility of adding to its product line business jet, but no definite decision to launch a new program is unlikely to be made until 2017.
Carlo Loli appo

Cessna Aircraft assembly line launches Latitude
Cessna Aircraft Company announced the full cycle of the assembly medium business jet Citation Latitude at its production facility in Wichita, Kansas.

European market lags behind the U.S. market
Restoring European business aviation market behind the U.S. market for 12-18 months, said Chad Anderson, president of Jetcraft, broker sales business jets.

Not offshore aircraft business aviation in Russia
Now the Russian government is currently implementing a series of measures aimed at stimulating growth and deofshorizatsiyu Russian economy.