Articles & news

Boeing 747 Series 300-400 deliveries and sales
Start Selling Boeing 747, manufactured by US company Boeing, often referred to as "Jumbo Jet" (eng.

Younger Aircraft Becoming Part-Out Candidates
The retirement age of commercial aircraft is decreasing (aircraft part-out) as the global fleet renews, which is causing teardowns at younger ages.

The delicate equation of parting out a mid-life aircraft versus keeping it in service can change with a slight movement of lease rates and the filling of parts warehouses—situations that seem to have dampened the gutting of Boeing 737NGs in recent months, several aftermarket specialists say.
Air Salvage Internation

Savings at the Aircraft Junkyard
Aircraft mechanic Mark Gregory set up shop in a decommissioned military airfield in the English countryside, where his crew "parts out" planes like this Boeing 737-700Mark Gregory sifts through the mangled remains of a seven-year-old Boeing (BA)

Credit for the purchase of aircraft
The right aircraft financing is one of the keys to happy ownership
Few of us can afford to buy an airplane with cash. Even if we could, there are tax and other benefits we can realize by financing the purchase instead.

Boeing To Enter The Scrap-Aircraft Market
Boeing seeks to acquire an aircraft recycling company to exploit the used-parts market, as more airlines upgrade to newer jets.
Rolls-Royce is driving the progress of the business aviation market
LABACE Opens with Calls for Expanding Business Aviation
Opening the 2016 LABACE show at São Paulo’s Congonhas Airport earlier today, Leonardo Fiuza, new chairman of Brazilian Read more
U.S. lawmakers oppose aircraft sales to Iran; Mo. senator says yank Boeing incentives
Republican leaders in Washington and Jefferson City are pushing back against planned sales of commercial aircraft to Iran despite the Treasury Department’s announcement this week that it had begun issuing licenses for the exports.
U.S. Reps.